Working with business professionals

With over 23 years of experience in working with business owners, professionals, and physicians and their families, we have developed an extensive team of specialists with the necessary capabilities and resources to serve you.

Why work with us?

The Peacock Financial Group has a strong reputation for delivering leading edge advice combined with extensive planning strategies to best serve our client base. Our commitment to this end has made us a trusted, respected, and well known planning firm within the Kelowna area and the Okanagan region.

Advice before Product

Our focus on advice and service allows us to bring a more deliberate level of engagement to the table - a level of engagement that can only happen when advice and comprehensive planning take priority.

Client driven advice

Our advice is driven entirely by our understanding of what is important to you and the findings within the planning process that we complete with you. We continuously engage with you on your behalf.

Accountable to you

When a Firm is not primarily focused on product sales, it allows for a professional and disciplined approach to planning that is not achievable within a firm that has a need to produce.

Engagement with other advisors

Compressive financial planning demands communication with other professionals including accountants, lawyers and others involved in the advice channel. Our planning based approach supports open engagement with other advisors with the focus on determining and accessing the solutions you require.

Evolutionary process

Financial planning is not static. Rather, your plan is a dynamic, fluid document that will require consistent monitoring and updating as markets and rules change and opportunities come and go. Our process supports on-going advice with your interests continually held as top priority.

Our partners

Peacock Financial Group works with Numerous partners across the nation who are essential in providing our customized advice and solutions in all area of insurance, investment, tax and estate planning.